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Research Topics


​Vehicle Control System Development


本研究針對車用控制系統進行車輛控制單元(Vehicle Control Unit, VCU)的開發,以達成車輛能耗與性能的要求(如能源管理策略、車輛安全功能設計等)。同時對VCU的功能進行測試與驗證,以滿足相關法規之要求。

The electric powertrain in the EV dominates the vehicle's performance. They execute the control commands from the Vehicle Control Unit (VCU) and provide the neccesary control on the vehicle. The energy management and the functional safety are crucial in a VCU to meet the vehicle requirements. The development of VCUs is, therefore, an active research area in vehicle control.

​Electric Powertrain Design and Validation



The electric vehicle is propelled by the traction motor and the corresponding transmission, which is generally known as e-powertrain. The validation of the e-powertrain is important to ensure the design of the power unit performance and the integration of each component in the e-powertrain.


Vehicle Development and Validation Provess

車輛的開發工作往往牽扯許多系統層級的整合,常常耗費龐大的測試時間與成本。因此以Model-based Design(基於模型的設計)方法將可大幅減少開發時間,這樣的開發流程便為V型開發流程(V cycle development process)。

​本研究領域為遵照V型開發流程進行各型車輛的開發與驗證,包括大型貨車、特種車輛、三輪車等等創新行動交通載具的開發,進行硬體在環測試驗證(Hardware-in-the-Loop Validation)等相關車型的設計開發工作。

There are many components and sub-systems are integrated in a vehicle. To save the development time and cost, the Model-Based-Design (MBD) method is introduced to further improve the design quality. Such method often follows the V-shape design flow, known as "V cycle development process." In this research topic, we endeavor to improve the development process in more efficient and intelligent ways for all types of vehicles, such as the heavy duty trucks, ticycles, etc., and further validate in terms of the Hardware-in-the-Loop (HiL) validation.


​Intelligent Electric Vehicle Laboratory

電話(TEL):02-2908-9899 分機(Ext.) 5106

地址(ADD):243303 新北市泰山區貴子里工專路84號

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