Intelligent Electric Vehicle Laboratory (IEVL)
陳 明 彥
Ming-Yen Chen
The propulsion system in vehicles nowadays has transferred from the combustion engine to the electric motors powered by the batteries. Not only the electronic control system in vehicles but also the vehicle validation technology is my research hobby. At the same time, I hope to tranform learning to be more funny and closer to the reality.
發表論文與專利 Publications and Patents
期刊論文 Journal papers
1. 陳明彥、賴宗平,田口方法運用於電動貨車動力最佳配置之研究。明志學報,第51卷,2023年。
2. Chen, M.*, Yang, K., Sun, Y., and Cheng, J., “An Energy Management Strategy for Through-the-Road Type Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicles,” SAE Int. J. Alt. Power (SCI). 8(1):61–74, 2019.
3. Chen, Y., Chang, J., Chen, I., Chen, M. et al., "Conceptual Design and Evaluation of a Hybrid Transmission with Power-Split, Series, and Two Parallel Configurations," SAE Int. J. Alt. Power (SCI). 6(1):122-135, 2017
4. Y. G. Liao, M.-Y. Chen,” Analysis of multi-speed transmission and electrically continuous variable transmission using lever analogy method for speed ratio determination,” Advances in Mechanical Engineering (SCI). 9(8): 1-12, 2017
研討會論文 Conference papers
1. Ho-Chen Yu, Ming-Yen Chen, "Implementation of Battery Liquid Cooling System Controller," the International Council on Electrical Engineering(ICEE) 2024, Kitakyushu, Japan, June 30-July 4, 2024.
2. 高敏軒、陳明彥,以加速性能為目標的最佳動力配置。第28屆車輛工程學術研討會,佳作論文,台南,台灣,2023年11月10日。
3. 陳明彥、洪志賢、SIVAKORN MODECHANG、THANATHANYA KONGKAM、WARISSARA SRISAI,電池液冷系統冷卻板流道之設計與分析,第28屆車輛工程學術研討會,台南,台灣,2023年11月10日
4. 陳明彥、賴宗平, 3d列印技術與應用:動力匹配方法的效益探討之研究, 台灣機電工程國際學會第八屆全國學術研討會,高雄,台灣, April 28-29,2023。
專利 Patents
1. 發明專利(TW):“馬達測試平台的自動裝卸裝置及系統 Automatic mounting and demounting device and system for motor testing platform” Issued April 11, 2020 :I690699
2. 發明專利(TW):“車輛警示裝置 Vehicle warning device” Issued Jan 21, 2019:I648713
參與計畫 Projects
教授科目 Teaching Courses
靜力學 (Statics)
電動車輛實務 (Electric Vehicle Practice)
電動車機電整合工程實務 (Electric Vehicle Mechatronic Practice)
車輛動力學 (Vehicle Dynamics)
服務與榮譽 Services and Honours
聯絡方式 Contact
If you are interested in the lab, please contact me.
02-2908-9899 #5106